Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Blabbity bla bla

Okay, I kind of lied in that last post. When I attempted to become a hermit very little, if any, hilarity ensued. You see, there aren't any caves located near me(believe me, I looked) so that option was out. And after my mother refused to deliver food to my room, which I'd chosen as the location for my hermitage, I quickly learned that it's very difficult to survive solely on oreo's and ice tea as rations. Especially when you run out of said rations. I wouldn't have believed this if I hadn't experienced it myself, but take it from me, reader, it's the terrible truth. However, this was not the reason that I came out of my self-imposed exile. Nor was it the fact that I ran out of new books to read. Oh no, I have much more self-control and strength of character than that. No, it was because I realized that people had to be writing all those great books I like so maybe, just maybe, there was hope for humanity after all(since then I have realized my mistake). Yes, reader, it was in celebration of the good things in life that I left my hermitage behind me. For earl gray, batman, and trips to the library. So never forget blabblity bla bla... yeah, just insert something profound in there. I didn't really learn anything except my mother doesn't love me(on account of not delivering me food).


jess said...

Just wait 'til she won't let you get a duck!!! Write more, Katie, more!!!!!

Anonymous said...

the ending was awesome i should have used it in my essay :D. Keep writing katie